Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Aldar by JWT Dubai

What a handful of ideas and a double standard in creativity. Has anyone seen their actual ads? I nominate this for the Best use of unreal print.
(Guilty until proven innocent by you)


  1. You should do your homework. There is nothing scammy about this work. It was done as a real job for a real client.

    You had your 15 minutes of fame last year. Get over yourself.

  2. Check your facts sir, before bashing anything and everything you see. This was an internal communication campaign and it was submitted as such.

  3. Guilty until PROVEN innocent by you. Prove it.

  4. An internal campaign....for what? A really bad monochromatic acid trip?

    Real or not, who knows. Maybe it's technically real as a freebie job for the client or something - but either way a fascinating contrast with the client's (bland and derivative)external material.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I sense some jealousy in here... Just because you couldn't make it guys, you have no right in accusing people who did. And if someone succeeded to convince a client to go with such work that in your opinion contrasts with it's bland external work, we should applaud him/her

  7. The fact that this is a real piece of work, answering a specific client brief, and you claiming it's scam, flatters me.

    Whether you like the piece or not means nothing to the joyful award winner. You know what that feels like, right? Good. Then we understand each other.

  8. Amen to that, Hunter. Congrats dude.
